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Nursing Schools in Elko, Nevada

in the area
Elko, Nevada is an OK place to get nursing diploma. The only one college which offers that option in the city is Great Basin College. That college offers a decent quality programs evaluated with three-star rating for curriculum and three stars for teaching.

There are thirty three more nursing schools near Elko. Learn about all schools offering nursing programs around the city below.

Nursing schools in Elko, Nevada:

Great Basin College - Nursing School Ranking
1. Great Basin College

2 nursing programs

Nursing schools near Elko, Nevada:

College of Southern Idaho - Nursing School Ranking
College of Southern Idaho

Located in Twin Falls, Idaho

Tooele Technical College - Nursing School Ranking
Tooele Technical College

Located in Tooele, Utah

Eagle Gate College Boise - Nursing School Ranking
Eagle Gate College Boise

Located in Boise, Idaho

Boise State University - Nursing School Ranking
Boise State University

Located in Boise, Idaho

Northwest Nazarene University - Nursing School Ranking
Northwest Nazarene University

Located in Nampa, Idaho

Carrington College Boise - Nursing School Ranking
Carrington College Boise

Located in Boise, Idaho

The College of Idaho - Nursing School Ranking
The College of Idaho

Located in Caldwell, Idaho

Eagle Gate College Layton - Nursing School Ranking
Eagle Gate College Layton

Located in Layton, Utah

Salt Lake Community College - Nursing School Ranking
Salt Lake Community College

Located in Salt Lake City, Utah

Ogden Weber Technical College - Nursing School Ranking
Ogden Weber Technical College

Located in Ogden, Utah

Davis Technical College - Nursing School Ranking
Davis Technical College

Located in Kaysville, Utah

Weber State University - Nursing School Ranking
Weber State University

Located in Ogden, Utah

Arizona College of Nursing Salt Lake City - Nursing School Ranking
Eagle Gate College Murray - Nursing School Ranking
Eagle Gate College Murray

Located in Murray, Utah

Joyce University of Nursing and Health Sciences - Nursing School Ranking
Fortis College Salt Lake City - Nursing School Ranking
Fortis College Salt Lake City

Located in Salt Lake City, Utah

Western Governors University - Nursing School Ranking
Western Governors University

Located in Salt Lake City, Utah

Westminster College - Nursing School Ranking
Westminster College

Located in Salt Lake City, Utah

Mountainland Technical College - Nursing School Ranking
Mountainland Technical College

Located in Lehi, Utah

University of Utah - Nursing School Ranking
University of Utah

Located in Salt Lake City, Utah

Bridgerland Technical College - Nursing School Ranking
Bridgerland Technical College

Located in Logan, Utah

Utah Valley University - Nursing School Ranking
Utah Valley University

Located in Orem, Utah

Utah State University - Nursing School Ranking
Utah State University

Located in Logan, Utah

Provo College - Nursing School Ranking
Provo College

Located in Provo, Utah

Brigham Young University - Nursing School Ranking
Brigham Young University

Located in Provo, Utah

Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions - Nursing School Ranking
Idaho State University - Nursing School Ranking
Idaho State University

Located in Pocatello, Idaho

Treasure Valley Community College - Nursing School Ranking
Treasure Valley Community College

Located in Ontario, Oregon

Truckee Meadows Community College - Nursing School Ranking
Truckee Meadows Community College

Located in Reno, Nevada

University of Nevada Reno - Nursing School Ranking
University of Nevada Reno

Located in Reno, Nevada

Carrington College Reno - Nursing School Ranking
Carrington College Reno

Located in Reno, Nevada

Western Nevada College - Nursing School Ranking
Western Nevada College

Located in Carson City, Nevada

Snow College - Nursing School Ranking
Snow College

Located in Ephraim, Utah

Nursing schools in other NV cities:

Carson City: 1 school
Henderson: 3 schools
Las Vegas: 5 schools
Reno: 3 schools

Nevada nursing schools by program:

Registered Nursing: 13 schools
Practical Nursing: 5 schools
Nursing Administration: 2 schools
Nursing Sciences: 3 schools
Clinical Nursing: 2 schools
Psychiatric Nursing: 1 school
Geriatric Nursing: 1 school
Family Practice: 3 schools
Pediatric Nursing: 2 schools
Nursing Assistance: 1 school

Nevada nursing schools by diploma:

Certificates: 5 schools
Associate's Degrees: 6 schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 9 schools
Master's Degrees: 4 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 3 schools

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