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Registered Nursing Bachelor's Degrees in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Registered Nursing Bachelor's Degree SchoolsWe list 33 Puerto Rico schools granting registered nursing bachelor's degrees, and University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences is the best option.

Check other Puerto Rico schools granting registered nursing bachelor's degrees and nursing colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other nursing major or diploma.

PR registered nursing bachelor's degree schools:

University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences - Nursing School Ranking
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez - Nursing School Ranking
Inter American University of Puerto Rico Metro - Nursing School Ranking
Universidad Ana G. Mendez Cupey - Nursing School Ranking
Universidad Ana G. Mendez Gurabo - Nursing School Ranking
Inter American University of Puerto Rico Arecibo - Nursing School Ranking
Inter American University of Puerto Rico Guayama - Nursing School Ranking
University of Puerto Rico Arecibo - Nursing School Ranking
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico Ponce - Nursing School Ranking
Universidad Ana G. Mendez Carolina - Nursing School Ranking
NUC University - Nursing School Ranking
11. NUC University

Located in Bayamon

Inter American University of Puerto Rico San German - Nursing School Ranking
Inter American University of Puerto Rico Ponce - Nursing School Ranking
Inter American University of Puerto Rico Barranquitas - Nursing School Ranking
Inter American University of Puerto Rico Aguadilla - Nursing School Ranking
Inter American University of Puerto Rico Bayamon - Nursing School Ranking
Universidad Del Sagrado Corazon - Nursing School Ranking
Universidad Adventista De Las Antillas - Nursing School Ranking
Columbia Central University Caguas - Nursing School Ranking
University of Puerto Rico Humacao - Nursing School Ranking
Professional University Dr. Carlos J. Borrero Rios - Nursing School Ranking
Dewey University Hato Rey - Nursing School Ranking
Ponce Health Sciences University East - Nursing School Ranking
Universidad Central De Bayamon - Nursing School Ranking
Huertas College - Nursing School Ranking
25. Huertas College

Located in Caguas

Colegio Universitario De San Juan - Nursing School Ranking
CEM College Humacao - Nursing School Ranking
27. CEM College Humacao

Located in Humacao

CEM College San Juan - Nursing School Ranking
28. CEM College San Juan

Located in San Juan

Atenas College - Nursing School Ranking
29. Atenas College

Located in Manati

Humacao Community College - Nursing School Ranking
Dewey University Manati - Nursing School Ranking
Dewey University Carolina - Nursing School Ranking
Dewey University Juana D Az - Nursing School Ranking
33. Dewey University Juana D az

Located in Juana Diaz

Other nursing bachelor's degrees in PR:

Practical Nursing: 5 schools
Nursing Sciences: 7 schools
Nursing Assistance: 1 school

Other registered nursing diplomas in PR:

Certificates: 1 school
Associate's Degrees: 21 schools
Master's Degrees: 2 schools

Puerto Rico nursing schools by city:

Aguadilla: 2 schools
Arecibo: 4 schools
Barranquitas: 2 schools
Bayamon: 5 schools
Caguas: 5 schools
Carolina: 3 schools
Guayama: 2 schools
Gurabo: 1 school
Hato Rey: 3 schools
Humacao: 4 schools
Juana Diaz: 1 school
Manati: 5 schools
Mayaguez: 3 schools
Mercedita: 1 school
Ponce: 3 schools
San German: 1 school
San Juan: 8 schools
San Sebastian: 1 school
Santurce: 1 school
Vega Baja: 1 school
Villalba: 1 school

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